Only Time - Enya

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


一月六的午後待在家裡搖搖腳上上網,百分百是個標準的悠哉人類~原訂的讀書計劃似乎得緩一緩了,在這種狀態下讀再多應該也排不進腦吧?倒不如讓自己休息休息,雖然休息似乎多得不像話,卻倒也樂得清閒 exam, who cares~ =P
Time passed fast, it is over half a year since I left my previous company - Alfro. Within this period, din contact with my colleagues at all.. in this afternoon, rarely to spare out some time to chit-chat v dom & suzi. Listen from dom, he was registered with his gf aldy, and going to held his marriage dinner in this coming Oct. Suzi finally done her passport and planning to come over malacca when she is free.. Helen Maggie Erica and others all staying in good condition, nothing much happened but the vacancies which left behind by anne and mean still changing quite rapidly.. Luckily, I found Suzi to take over my job and seems like she is doing in a pro way =P Honestly, really missing my dearest colleagues, and my demanding customers.. even though they are troublesome enough but cannot deny that they treat me truly well... Anyway, hopefully everything in Alfro goes well.. Life goes on as wat tth always said, hehe.. =)

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